UU blog / Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur


The New Yorker: klompen zijn weer cool

Lauren Mechling raakte haar baan kwijt, en kocht subiet een paar life-changing clogs. Lees hier hoe The New Yorker klompen weer hip verklaart.

‘The clog has long borne witness to human suffering. In the summer of 2011, a team of Dutch archaeologists travelled to the village of Middenbeemster, a region best known for its medium-hard white cheese and whose church and adjoining cemetery were being relocated. The group noticed an unusual pattern in the bones of five hundred skeletons, mostly belonging to nineteenth-century Dutch dairy farmers: a preponderance of chips and craters localized in the bones of the feet. […]  The academics concluded the source to be the rigors of working on the land, and, more specifically, doing so in klompen, the wooden clogs common to Dutch farmers of the time.’