Register for the first LOT Early Career Event
We are excited to announce the first LOT Early Career Community Event that will take place in the afternoon of October 5th in Amsterdam (Potgieterzaal). As organization committee we feel that an early career community provides a unique opportunity to learn from each other and leads to novel collaborations and new research ideas via networking. Therefore, and to get to know each other, we would like to establish a LOT Early Career Community and organize a kick-off meeting. The community is for Post-docs, Assistants professors and PhDs in their final year.
The program for the meeting is as follows:
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 | Workshop “how to pitch your work and yourself” by Marieke Hohnen.
15:00 – 15:30 | Coffee break
15:30 – 16:30 | Pitch your research and yourself
16:30 – 17:00 | Discussion on the prospects of the LOT Early Career Community
Register before July 10th
If you’d like to join, please sign up for the event via this link. Deadline for registration is July 10th.
We hope to receive many registrations and of course to meet you all on October 5th.
The organization committee,
Cesko Voeten (UvA), Imme Lammertink (RU), Marloes Oomen (UvA), Nina Sangers (VU) & Stella Gryllia (RU)