UU blog / Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur


18 mei 2017
Kanunikkenzaal, Academiegebouw, Domplein 29 te Utrecht

Lezing Maarten Kossmann: Moroccan indefinite determiners in Dutch discourse

Op donderdag 18 mei geeft Maarten Kossmann van de Universiteit Leiden een lezing over Nederlands met Marokkaanse invloeden zoals dat in sociale media veelvuldig wordt gebruikt. Heb je wel eens een vak over meertaligheid gevolgd en/of ben je geïnteresseerd in jongerentaal? Dan is dit misschien iets voor jou. De lezing is in het Engels, maar de prachtige voorbeelden zijn dat niet!

Na afloop is er een borrel in de Cohenzaal aan de Trans 10.


In some styles of Dutch as spoken by youth with a Moroccan heritage background, indefinite determiners are taken over from Moroccan languages, leading to sentences as the following:


hij heeft ižžən ziekte of zo, hè?

he’s got an [ižžən] illness, hasn’t he?

[from an interview recorded by Khalid Mourigh in Gouda; 2016]


ze zei dat je met shen dikke jongen had

she said that you are having (an affair) with some [šan] fat guy

[@ibrahimovic10; 5/5/2015; marokko.nl]


In this talk I want to look at these constructions from different points of view. In the first place, I will discuss the conversational indexicalities attached to these forms. Then the choice between indefinites with a Moroccan Arabic background and those with a Berber background will be considered. The second part of the talk will be about the semantic differences between Moroccan indefinites and Dutch indefinites and the extent to which this can explain their usage in otherwise Dutch discourse. Finally, a semantic shift from indefinite to expressive meaning will be shown, both within the Moroccan community, but especially in crossing. The data for this talk mainly come from written computer-mediated communication, especially from internet forums with a Moroccan target group, such as www.marokko.nl.