UU blog / Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur

phd vacature

PhD Position Inclusive Automatic Speech Recognition ACLC

Are you looking for a challenging position in a dynamic setting? The Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) currently has a vacant PhD position as part of the UvA-wide project Language Sciences for Social Good, led by principal investigators Floris Roelofsen, Paul Boersma and Antal van den Bosch. https://us19.campaign-archive.com/?e=5d6235b67b&u=855384a3fe4876c46f3501619&id=b78e3163e1

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Vacature: promotieplek Universiteit Antwerpen ‘Children’s literature studies and digital humanities’

The Department of Literature in the Faculty of Arts is seeking to fill a full-time (100%) vacancy in the Department of Literature for a PhD candidate in the area of children’s literature studies and digital humanities The candidate will be affiliated with the Antwerp Centre for Digital Humanities and Literary Criticism and contribute to the ERC-funded research…

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